Maggie Danielewicz

Peer Advisor

School of Computing

Major and Graduating Year: Computer Science major concentrating in Software Design and Development with an Analytics minor. Graduating in May 2026.

Academic Background: I always had a keen eye for technology, especially with computers. I was inspired by my software engineer siblings to pick up coding in high school where I took my first AP CS class and messed around in Java coding, so I decided to go for the major and dedicate myself to learning software development! 

Research Interests: Since looking into the analytics minor at UConn, I’ve been interested in delving into data science and business analytics. I’ve also always been interested in web development and front-end design.

Interests/Hobbies: I’m very much an outdoors enthusiast and absolutely love hiking, climbing, and backpacking/camping. I’ve gotten more into cycling recently as well, and use my free time to knit and read (currently reading A Game of Thrones!).

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