Requesting a Graduation Substitution
To request a graduation substitution to fulfill any requirement for the College of Engineering, you (student) must contact your current academic advisor to initiate the request for a graduation substitution. Once a request is initiated by your Advisor, the substitution will be reviewed and evaluated by the related Academic Department and then by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education.
Please note: If you are submitting a substitution for a Management and Engineering for Manufacturing (MEM) student seeking a substitution for a Business course (e.g. ACCT, BLAW, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OPIM), please use the School of Business Substitution form instead. If you submit a request for a Business course through this portal, it will not be reviewed. Additionally, Analytics and Information Assurance substitutions should be directed to the School of Business for approval.

Advisor and Course Information
Direct Equivalency
If you (student) are seeking a direct equivalency, rather than a substitution:
Your advisor should communicate with the Undergraduate Director in their Academic Department. The Undergraduate Director will work with Transfer Admissions to process this request.
Transfer and Abroad Courses
For any transfer or abroad course submitted as a substitution, it is the student’s responsibility to have the course previously evaluated for credit through either:
- The University of Connecticut Admissions Office, through the Prior Course Approval process available in Student Admin if not listed on the Transfer Course Equivalencies page. Review important information about transferring credit on the Undergraduate Admissions website.
- The Education Abroad Office as a pre-approved course or through the course alignment procedures. Review important information about academics abroad on the Education Abroad website.
College of Engineering students should contact Ms. Mariel Zoni, Director, College of Engineering Undergraduate Program at to request an evaluation of possible course substitutions for general education requirements.
Prior to sending an email, students should ensure that the course has gone through either Prior Course Approval (transfer credit) or the EGL Course Alignment Process and have reviewed the criteria for each content area, here: Your email should include:
- The name and location of the institution from which you transferred credit, or the EGL program you hope to attend
- The original course number and the UConn equivalent (which you obtained through the prior course approval course alignment process)
- Copies of all syllabi, or course descriptions if syllabi are not available
- The Content Area you believe this course should fulfill/substitute for
- Any other pertinent details or documentation